Newtown Township Parks and Recreation Department
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Portraits in Pastel

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Using a photographic reference, students will develop a portrait drawing using a combination of colored pencil and pastel. The first layer will be done with limited color in colored pencil to secure the drawing and establish the tonal design for the picture. Additional layers will be added with colored pencils and pastels to create realistic skin tones and textures. We will also discuss the differences between direct color and optical color.

Materials List
Strathmore 400 series Toned Tan drawing paper (11x14)
Prismacolor Premier Nupastel soft (set of 24)
Kneaded eraser
Conte’ A Paris sticks and/or pencils (sanguine, brown & cream colors)
Generals white charcoal pencils
Dark charcoal pencils (2B, 4B)
Nitram charcoal sticks (HB, B)
Double sided shaders
Blending brushes 
Chamois cloth
Razor blade or X-acto knife
Krylon workable spray fixative

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